ER Interdisciplinary SIMs

Project Details

  • Department: Emergency
  • Lead Physician: Dr. Drew Delany
  • Status: Ongoing

About the Project

The NRGH ER Interdisciplinary simulation project runs regularly scheduled simulation based training for the emergency department staff. Sessions include pre-brief training and introduction as well as simulation, teaching and post simulation debrief. The high fidelity simulations occur throughout the emergency department to provide high yield training opportunities and collaboration amongst the ED staff as well as consultant colleagues.
The purpose of these sessions involves three key principles:
1) Education. Teaching new medical knowledge and skills and reviewing complicated, rare or challenging emergency medical scenarios in a safe environment.
2) Communication. Through high fidelity simulations participants are challenged to improve communication using the ‘Crisis Resource Management’ (CRM) skills.
3) Collaboration. Interdepartmental involvement will create opportunities for increased familiarity and collegiality in the medical staff.