Can internal medicine coverage crisis be averted in Nanaimo?

Nanaimo – Internists here who, for ethical (“Do no harm”) and safety reasons, refuse the computerized order entry system (CPOE) their 247-bed Nanaimo Regional General Hospital has been piloting for months, have called an emergency meeting of their medical staff association (MSA). It is scheduled for May 31. Dr. Dave […]

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Doctors are right to say no to IHealth

Re: “Doctors defy IHealth, dump software,” April 28. I support Nanaimo doctors who refuse to let cumbersome software interfere with caring for patients. It is unfortunate that administration places compliance and documentation above actually caring for patients. How much of a nurse’s time is spent on electronic charting now, versus […]

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Editorial: IHealth project badly handled

The simmering controversy over the new patient-record system at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital has boiled over. Some physicians have abandoned the system, and gone back to using paper records for ordering medications and lab work. They say the software is clumsy, slow and plagued by glitches. As a result, one […]

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Nanaimo doctors defy IHealth, dump software; MD suspended

Some doctors at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital are abandoning an Island Health computer system in defiance of the health authority. The doctors say the IHealth system could cause dangerous drug dosage errors. They reverted to ordering medicine and lab work using pens and paper on Thursday, after using the IHealth […]

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IHealth alarm sounds again in Nanaimo

Some doctors and nurses in Nanaimo say patients are at risk because Island Health has reversed its decision to shelve an electronic system that they say can cause drug dosage errors and take time away from patient care. Island Health’s board and executive agreed on Feb. 17 to suspend the […]

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