NRGH LIBRARY SERVICES – What can they do for you?

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the services of the NRGH Library.
There is no charge for any of these services and they are happy to receive e-mail requests.

  • Lit searches. Just e-mail them a topic and the librarian will e-mail back a list of citations. (Give them lead time of about a week, if you can. But do let them know if it is more urgent.)
  • Provide you articles. Send them the citations of the papers you want and they will e-mail back PDFs of the articles or send you hard copies when an electronic version is not available. (Give them lead time of about a week, if you can. But do let them know if it is more urgent.)
  • Provide you books. If they don’t have a book you want in their collection,theye will borrow it in for you.
  • Access to their electronic journals, books, and databases, from their website  They can also e-mail you about how to access their e-books and journals from your home or office. 
  • If you are UBC Faculty, they can also help you access UBC Library web resources.


Nanaimo Regional General Hospital

Room G250

Phone:  (250) 755-7691 ext. 53058 or 53059


Hours:  8:30 – 4:00 Monday to Friday

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